read_rdd() takes a file path of EnergyPlus Report Data Dictionary (RDD) file, parses it and returns a RddFile object. read_mdd() takes a file path of EnergyPlus Meter Data Dictionary (MDD) file, parses it and returns a MddFile object.





For read_rdd(), a file path of EnergyPlus EnergyPlus Report Data Dictionary file with an extension .rdd. For read_mdd(), a file path of EnergyPlus EnergyPlus Meter Data Dictionary file with an extension .mdd


For read_rdd(), an RddFile object. For read_mdd(), a MddFile object.


Basically, a RddFile and MddFile object is a data.table with 5 columns and 3 additional attributes:

5 Columns:

*index: Integer. Index of each variable.

  • reported_time_step: Character. Reported time step for the variables. Possible value: Zone and HVAC.

  • report_type: Character. Report types. Possible value: Average, Sum and Meter. Note that Meter is only for MDD file. All variables will have report_type being Meter.

  • variable: Character. Report variable names.

  • units: Character. Units of reported values. NA if report values do not have units.

3 Attributes:

  • eplus_version: A numeric_version object. The version of EnergyPlus used during the simulation.

  • eplus_build: A single string. The build tag of EnergyPlus used during the simulation.

  • datetime: A DateTime (POSIXct). The time when the simulation started.


Hongyuan Jia


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# run simulation and get the err file
idf_name <- "1ZoneUncontrolled.idf"
epw_name <-  "USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw"
idf_path <- path_eplus_example("8.8", idf_name)
epw_path <- path_eplus_weather("8.8", epw_name)
job <- eplus_job(idf_path, epw_path)
job$run(dir = tempdir())

# read the err file
} # }