Get file path from EnergyPlus installation directory

path_eplus(ver, ..., strict = FALSE)

path_eplus_processor(ver, ..., strict = FALSE)

path_eplus_example(ver, file, strict = FALSE)

path_eplus_weather(ver, file, strict = FALSE)

path_eplus_dataset(ver, file, strict = FALSE)



An acceptable EnergyPlus version or an EnergyPlus installation directory


File paths passed to base::file.path().


If TRUE, an error will be issued if the specified file does not exist


A single string of file name.


  • path_eplus() returns the file path specified in EnergyPlus installation directory.

  • path_eplus_processor() is the same as path_eplus() expect it automatically prepend the executable extension, i.e. .exe on Windows and empty on macOS and Linux.

  • path_eplus_example() returns the file path specified under the ExampleFiles folder in EnergyPlus installation directory.

  • path_eplus_weather() returns the file path specified under the WeatherData folder in EnergyPlus installation directory.

  • path_eplus_dataset() returns the file path specified under the DataSets folder in EnergyPlus installation directory.


Hongyuan Jia


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
path_eplus("8.8", "Energy+.idd")

path_eplus_processor("8.8", "EPMacro", strict = TRUE)
path_eplus_processor("8.8", "PreProcess", "GrndTempCalc", "Slab", strict = TRUE)

path_eplus_example("8.8", "1ZoneUncontrolled.idf")
path_eplus_example("8.8", "BasicFiles/Exercise1A.idf")

path_eplus_weather("8.8", "USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.ddy")

path_eplus_dataset("8.8", "Boilers.idf")
path_eplus_dataset("8.8", "FMUs/MoistAir.fmu")
} # }