This vignette showcases the basic features of the EplusJob class with the main focus on how the tidy data interface can provide a seamless workflow to extract EnergyPlus output, feed it into data analysis pipelines and turn the results into understanding and knowledge.

Run simulations

The Idf class provides a $run() method to call EnergyPlus and run simulations.

Idf$run() will run the current model with specified weather using corresponding version of EnergyPlus. The model and the weather used will be copied to the output directory. An EplusJob object will be returned which provides detailed information of the simulation and methods to collect simulation output. Please see ?EplusJob for details.

path_idf <- file.path(eplus_config(23.1)$dir, "ExampleFiles/5Zone_Transformer.idf")
path_epw <- file.path(eplus_config(23.1)$dir, "WeatherData/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl.AP.724940_TMY3.epw")

model <- read_idf(path_idf)
#> IDD v23.1.0 has not been parsed before.
#> Try to locate 'Energy+.idd' in EnergyPlus v23.1.0 installation folder '/usr/local/EnergyPlus-23-1-0'.
#> IDD file found: '/usr/local/EnergyPlus-23-1-0/Energy+.idd'.
#> Start parsing...
#> Parsing completed.

Run only design day simulation

Sometime, you may only want to run a design day simulation. Idf$run() provides a convenient way to do this by setting the weather argument to NULL.

job <- model$run(NULL, dir = tempdir(), wait = TRUE)
#> Adding an object in class 'Output:SQLite' and setting its 'Option Type' to 'SimpleAndTabular' in order to create SQLite output file.
#> ExpandObjects Started.
#> No expanded file generated.
#> ExpandObjects Finished. Time:     0.020
#> EnergyPlus Starting
#> EnergyPlus, Version 23.1.0-87ed9199d4, YMD=2024.07.27 16:03
#> Initializing Response Factors
#> Calculating CTFs for "ROOF-1"
#> Calculating CTFs for "WALL-1"
#> Calculating CTFs for "FLOOR-SLAB-1"
#> Calculating CTFs for "INT-WALL-1"

#> [1] "EplusJob" "R6"

#> ── EnergPlus Simulation Job ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  • Path: '/tmp/Rtmpvd0H8r/5Zone_Transformer.idf'
#>  • Version: '<< Not specified >>'
#>  • EnergyPlus Version: '23.1.0'
#>  • EnergyPlus Path: '/usr/local/EnergyPlus-23-1-0'
#>  Simulation started at '2024-07-27 16:03:23.323265' and completed successfully after 0.65 secs.

job prints the path of model and weather, the version and path of EnergyPlus used to run simulations, and the simulation job status.

You can always retrieve the last simulation job of an Idf object using Idf$last_job() method:

#> ── EnergPlus Simulation Job ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  • Path: '/tmp/Rtmpvd0H8r/5Zone_Transformer.idf'
#>  • Version: '<< Not specified >>'
#>  • EnergyPlus Version: '23.1.0'
#>  • EnergyPlus Path: '/usr/local/EnergyPlus-23-1-0'
#>  Simulation started at '2024-07-27 16:03:23.323265' and completed successfully after 0.65 secs.

Run simulation in the background

By default, when calling Idf$run() method, R will hang on and wait for the simulation to complete. EnergyPlus standard output (stdout) and error (stderr) is printed to R console. You can make EnergyPlus run in the background by setting wait to FALSE. The simulation job status can be shown by printing the EplusJob object or using the EplusJob$status() method.

job <- model$run(path_epw, tempdir(), wait = FALSE)
#> Adding an object in class 'Output:SQLite' and setting its 'Option Type' to 'SimpleAndTabular' in order to create SQLite output file.
#> Replace the existing IDF located at /tmp/Rtmpvd0H8r/5Zone_Transformer.idf.
#> ── EnergPlus Simulation Job ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
#>  • Path: '/tmp/Rtmpvd0H8r/5Zone_Transformer.idf'
#>  • Version: '/usr/local/EnergyPlus-23-1-0/WeatherData/USA_CA_San.Francisco.Intl…
#>  • EnergyPlus Version: '23.1.0'
#>  • EnergyPlus Path: '/usr/local/EnergyPlus-23-1-0'
#>  Simulation started at '2024-07-27 16:03:24.424686' and is still running...

#> $run_before
#> [1] TRUE
#> $alive
#> [1] TRUE
#> $terminated
#> [1] FALSE
#> $successful
#> [1] NA
#> $changed_after
#> [1] FALSE

You can get simulation errors using EplusJob$errors().

#> ══ EnergyPlus Error File ═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════
#>   * EnergyPlus version: 23.1.0 (87ed9199d4)
#>   * Simulation started: 2024-07-27 16:03:00
#>   * Terminated: FALSE
#>   * Successful: TRUE
#>   * Warning[W]: 1
#> ── During Zone Sizing Calculations ─────────────────────────────────────────────
#> [W 1/1] Weather file location will be used rather than entered (IDF) Location
#>         object.
#>         ..Location object=CHICAGO_IL_USA TMY2-94846
#>         ..Weather File Location=San Francisco Intl Ap CA USA TMY3 WMO#=724940
#>         ..due to location differences, Latitude difference=[4.16] degrees,
#>         Longitude difference=[34.65] degrees.
#>         ..Time Zone difference=[2.0] hour(s), Elevation difference=[98.95]
#>         percent, [188.00] meters.

Retrieve simulation output

eplusr uses the EnergyPlus SQL output for extracting simulation output. In order to do so, an object in Output:SQLite class with Option Type value of SimpleAndTabular will be automatically created if it does not exists. EplusJob has provided some wrappers that do SQL queries to get report data results, i.e. results from Output:Variable and Output:Meter*. But for Output:Table results, you have to be familiar with the structure of the EnergyPlus SQL output, especially for table “TabularDataWithStrings”. For details, please see “2.20 eplusout.sql”, especially “ TabularData Table” in EnergyPlus “Output Details and Examples” documentation.

Tidy data interface

EplusJob class is designed to extract and represent EnergyPlus simulation results from the SQLite output into tidy tables. The layout ensures that values of different variables from the same observation are always paired and is well fitted for data analyses using the tidyverse R package ecosystem.

Table (a) in figure below shows an example of the standard format from EnergyPlus CSV table output, while Table (b) gives the tidy representation of the same underlying data.

Although the structure of Table (a) provides efficient storage for completely crossed designs, it violates with the tidy principles, as variables form both the rows and columns and column headers are values, not variable names. Additional data cleaning efforts are needed to work with this structure, especially considering the missing values (NA in row 2 and 4 in Table (a)) introduced by the aggregation of various reporting frequencies, which may add new inefficiencies and potential errors.

In Table (b), values in column headers have been extracted and converted into separate columns, and a new variable called Value is used to store the concatenated data values from the previously separate columns. Moreover, instead of presenting date and time as strings in Table (a), the tidy data interface splits its components into four new variables, including Month, Day, Hour and Minute. Taken together, Table (b) forms a nine-variable tidy table and each variable matches the semantics of simulation output.

An example of tidy BES output data representation where Table (a) is the standard output format of EnergyPlus CSV table and Table (b) is the tidy representation of the same underlying data

An example of tidy BES output data representation where Table (a) is the standard output format of EnergyPlus CSV table and Table (b) is the tidy representation of the same underlying data

Get all possible output meta data

EplusJob$report_data_dict() returns a data.table which contains meta data of report data for current simulation. For details on the meaning of each columns, please see “ ReportDataDictionary Table” in EnergyPlus “Output Details and Examples” documentation. The most useful columns are:

  • key_value: Key name of the data
  • name: Actual report data name
  • is_meter: Whether report data is a meter data. Possible values: 0 and 1
  • reporting_frequency: Data reporting frequency
  • units: The data units
#>     report_data_dictionary_index is_meter   type
#>                            <int>    <int> <char>
#>  1:                            7        0    Avg
#>  2:                            9        1    Sum
#>  3:                           21        1    Sum
#>  4:                           57        1    Sum
#>  5:                          463        1    Sum
#>  6:                          894        0    Avg
#>  7:                          895        0    Avg
#>  8:                          896        0    Sum
#>  9:                          897        0    Avg
#> 10:                          898        0    Sum
#> 11:                          899        0    Avg
#> 12:                          900        0    Sum
#> 13:                          901        0    Avg
#> 14:                          902        0    Sum
#> 15:                          903        0    Avg
#> 16:                          904        0    Sum
#> 17:                          905        0    Sum
#> 18:                          906        1    Sum
#> 19:                         1216        1    Sum
#> 20:                         1315        1    Sum
#>     report_data_dictionary_index is_meter   type
#>                             index_group timestep_type     key_value
#>                                  <char>        <char>        <char>
#>  1:                                Zone          Zone   Environment
#>  2:                Facility:Electricity          Zone          <NA>
#>  3:                Building:Electricity          Zone          <NA>
#>  4: Facility:Electricity:InteriorLights          Zone          <NA>
#>  5:             Building:EnergyTransfer          Zone          <NA>
#>  6:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#>  7:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#>  8:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#>  9:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 10:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 11:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 12:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 13:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 14:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 15:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 16:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 17:                              System   HVAC System TRANSFORMER 1
#> 18:                    HVAC:Electricity          Zone          <NA>
#> 19:           Facility:Electricity:Fans          Zone          <NA>
#> 20:                   Plant:Electricity          Zone          <NA>
#>                             index_group timestep_type     key_value
#>                                                 name reporting_frequency
#>                                               <char>              <char>
#>  1:             Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature       Zone Timestep
#>  2:                             Electricity:Facility       Zone Timestep
#>  3:                             Electricity:Building       Zone Timestep
#>  4:                       InteriorLights:Electricity       Zone Timestep
#>  5:                          EnergyTransfer:Building       Zone Timestep
#>  6:                           Transformer Efficiency       Zone Timestep
#>  7:               Transformer Input Electricity Rate       Zone Timestep
#>  8:             Transformer Input Electricity Energy       Zone Timestep
#>  9:              Transformer Output Electricity Rate       Zone Timestep
#> 10:            Transformer Output Electricity Energy       Zone Timestep
#> 11:                    Transformer No Load Loss Rate       Zone Timestep
#> 12:                  Transformer No Load Loss Energy       Zone Timestep
#> 13:                       Transformer Load Loss Rate       Zone Timestep
#> 14:                     Transformer Load Loss Energy       Zone Timestep
#> 15:                    Transformer Thermal Loss Rate       Zone Timestep
#> 16:                  Transformer Thermal Loss Energy       Zone Timestep
#> 17: Transformer Distribution Electricity Loss Energy       Zone Timestep
#> 18:                                 Electricity:HVAC       Zone Timestep
#> 19:                                 Fans:Electricity       Zone Timestep
#> 20:                                Electricity:Plant       Zone Timestep
#>                                                 name reporting_frequency
#>     schedule_name  units
#>            <char> <char>
#>  1:          <NA>      C
#>  2:          <NA>      J
#>  3:          <NA>      J
#>  4:          <NA>      J
#>  5:          <NA>      J
#>  6:          <NA>       
#>  7:          <NA>      W
#>  8:          <NA>      J
#>  9:          <NA>      W
#> 10:          <NA>      J
#> 11:          <NA>      W
#> 12:          <NA>      J
#> 13:          <NA>      W
#> 14:          <NA>      J
#> 15:          <NA>      W
#> 16:          <NA>      J
#> 17:          <NA>      J
#> 18:          <NA>      J
#> 19:          <NA>      J
#> 20:          <NA>      J
#>     schedule_name  units

Retrieve report data

EplusJob$report_data() extracts the report data using key values and variable names. Just for demonstration, let’s get the transformer input electric power at 11 a.m for the first day of RunPeriod named SUMMERDAY, tag this simulation as case example, and return all possible output columns.

power <- job$report_data("transformer 1", "transformer input electric power", case = "example",
  all = TRUE, simulation_days = 1, environment_name = "summerday", hour = 11, minute = 0)

#> Empty data.table (0 rows and 22 cols): case,datetime,month,day,hour,minute...

Please note that by default the report data of design day simulations are always put at the top. If you are only interested in results of specific run periods, there are 2 ways to do so:

  • Set environment_name to the run periods you are interested, e.g.:
job$report_data(environment_name = c("summerday", "winterday"))
#>                    case            datetime   key_value
#>                  <char>              <POSc>      <char>
#>    1: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:15:00 Environment
#>    2: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:30:00 Environment
#>    3: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:45:00 Environment
#>    4: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 01:00:00 Environment
#>    5: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 01:15:00 Environment
#>   ---                                                  
#> 3836: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:00:00        <NA>
#> 3837: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:15:00        <NA>
#> 3838: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:30:00        <NA>
#> 3839: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:45:00        <NA>
#> 3840: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-08 00:00:00        <NA>
#>                                       name  units value
#>                                     <char> <char> <num>
#>    1: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 9.900
#>    2: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 9.200
#>    3: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 8.500
#>    4: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 7.800
#>    5: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 8.075
#>   ---                                                  
#> 3836:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3837:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3838:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3839:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3840:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
  • Set day_type to specific day types you are interested. A few grouped options are also provided:
    • "Weekday": All working days, i.e. from "Monday" to "Friday"
    • "Weekend": "Saturday" and "Sunday"
    • "DesignDay": Equivalent to "SummerDesignDay" plus "WinterDesignDay"
    • "CustomDay": "CustomDay1" and "CustomDay2"
    • "SpecialDay": Equivalent to "DesignDay" plus "CustomDay"
    • "NormalDay": Equivalent to "Weekday" and "Weekend" plus "Holiday"
job$report_data(day_type = "normalday")
#>                    case            datetime   key_value
#>                  <char>              <POSc>      <char>
#>    1: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:15:00 Environment
#>    2: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:30:00 Environment
#>    3: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:45:00 Environment
#>    4: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 01:00:00 Environment
#>    5: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 01:15:00 Environment
#>   ---                                                  
#> 3836: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:00:00        <NA>
#> 3837: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:15:00        <NA>
#> 3838: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:30:00        <NA>
#> 3839: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:45:00        <NA>
#> 3840: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-08 00:00:00        <NA>
#>                                       name  units value
#>                                     <char> <char> <num>
#>    1: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 9.900
#>    2: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 9.200
#>    3: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 8.500
#>    4: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 7.800
#>    5: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 8.075
#>   ---                                                  
#> 3836:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3837:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3838:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3839:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000
#> 3840:                    Electricity:Plant      J 0.000

$report_data() can also directly take the whole or subset results of $report_data_dict() to extract report data. In some case this may be quite handy. Let’s get all report variable with Celsius degree unit.

print(job$report_data(job$report_data_dict()[units == "C"]))
#>                   case            datetime   key_value
#>                 <char>              <POSc>      <char>
#>   1: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:15:00 Environment
#>   2: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:30:00 Environment
#>   3: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 00:45:00 Environment
#>   4: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 01:00:00 Environment
#>   5: 5Zone_Transformer 2014-01-14 01:15:00 Environment
#>  ---                                                  
#> 188: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:00:00 Environment
#> 189: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:15:00 Environment
#> 190: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:30:00 Environment
#> 191: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-07 23:45:00 Environment
#> 192: 5Zone_Transformer 2015-07-08 00:00:00 Environment
#>                                      name  units  value
#>                                    <char> <char>  <num>
#>   1: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C  9.900
#>   2: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C  9.200
#>   3: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C  8.500
#>   4: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C  7.800
#>   5: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C  8.075
#>  ---                                                   
#> 188: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 15.200
#> 189: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 15.100
#> 190: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 15.000
#> 191: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 14.900
#> 192: Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature      C 14.800

Retrieve tabular data

EplusJob$tabular_data() extracts tabular data of current simulation. For details on the meaning of each columns, please see “ TabularData Table” in EnergyPlus “Output Details and Examples” documentation.

Now let’s get the total site energy per total building area. Note that the value column in the returned data.table is character types, as some table store not just numbers. We need to convert it by setting string_value to FALSE.

site_energy <- job$tabular_data(
    column_name = "energy per total building area", row_name = "total site energy",
    wide = TRUE, string_value = FALSE
#> Key: <case, report_name, report_for, table_name>
#>                 case                             report_name      report_for
#>               <char>                                  <char>          <char>
#> 1: 5Zone_Transformer AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>                table_name          row_name
#>                    <char>            <char>
#> 1: Site and Source Energy Total Site Energy
#>    Energy Per Total Building Area [MJ/m2]
#>                                     <num>
#> 1:                                   1.45

Data exploration example

Data exploration is an essential aspect of building energy simulation. In this example, we will demonstrates the data exploration process of obtaining:

  1. energy use intensity (EUI)
  2. heating and cooling demand profile

Run annual simulation

path_model <- file.path(eplus_config(23.1)$dir, "ExampleFiles/RefBldgMediumOfficeNew2004_Chicago.idf")
path_weather <- file.path(eplus_config(23.1)$dir, "WeatherData/USA_IL_Chicago-OHare.Intl.AP.725300_TMY3.epw")

idf <- read_idf(path_model)

# make sure weather file input is respected
idf$SimulationControl$Run_Simulation_for_Weather_File_Run_Periods <- "Yes"

# make sure energy consumption is presented in kWh
idf$OutputControl_Table_Style$Unit_Conversion <- "JtoKWH"

# save the modified model into a temporary folder
idf$save(file.path(tempdir(), "MediumOffice.idf"), overwrite = TRUE)

# run annual simulation
job <- idf$run(path_weather, echo = FALSE)

Extract simulation results

Code below shows how to use methods tabular_data(), read_table() and report_data() provided by the tidy data interface in EplusJob to extract building area and building energy consumption, zone meta data, and cooling and heating demands, with all formatted in a tidy representation.

Note that instead of presenting the simulated date and time as strings, the report_data() adds a time-series column datetime in POSIXct based on a derived year value. Moreover, the tidy data interface also provides a number of additional columns, which makes it quite convenient and straightforward to directly perform further data transformations.

# read building area from Standard Reports
print(area <- job$tabular_data(table_name = "Building Area", wide = TRUE)[[1L]])
#> Key: <case, report_name, report_for, table_name>
#>            case                             report_name      report_for
#>          <char>                                  <char>          <char>
#> 1: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 2: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 3: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>       table_name                      row_name Area [m2]
#>           <char>                        <char>     <num>
#> 1: Building Area           Total Building Area   4982.19
#> 2: Building Area Net Conditioned Building Area   4982.19
#> 3: Building Area   Unconditioned Building Area      0.00

# read building energy consumption from Standard Reports
print(end_use <- job$tabular_data(table_name = "End Uses", wide = TRUE)[[1L]])
#> Key: <case, report_name, report_for, table_name>
#>             case                             report_name      report_for
#>           <char>                                  <char>          <char>
#>  1: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  2: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  3: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  4: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  5: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  6: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  7: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  8: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>  9: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 10: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 11: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 12: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 13: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 14: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#> 15: MediumOffice AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary Entire Facility
#>     table_name           row_name Electricity [kWh] Natural Gas [kWh]
#>         <char>             <char>             <num>             <num>
#>  1:   End Uses            Heating         142077.59          50331.57
#>  2:   End Uses            Cooling          76534.54              0.00
#>  3:   End Uses  Interior Lighting         168399.82              0.00
#>  4:   End Uses  Exterior Lighting          64602.19              0.00
#>  5:   End Uses Interior Equipment         296261.61              0.00
#>  6:   End Uses Exterior Equipment              0.00              0.00
#>  7:   End Uses               Fans          20001.40              0.00
#>  8:   End Uses              Pumps             73.94              0.00
#>  9:   End Uses     Heat Rejection              0.00              0.00
#> 10:   End Uses     Humidification              0.00              0.00
#> 11:   End Uses      Heat Recovery              0.00              0.00
#> 12:   End Uses      Water Systems              0.00          10030.80
#> 13:   End Uses      Refrigeration              0.00              0.00
#> 14:   End Uses         Generators              0.00              0.00
#> 15:   End Uses     Total End Uses         767951.09          60362.37
#>     Gasoline [kWh] Diesel [kWh] Coal [kWh] Fuel Oil No 1 [kWh]
#>              <num>        <num>      <num>               <num>
#>  1:              0            0          0                   0
#>  2:              0            0          0                   0
#>  3:              0            0          0                   0
#>  4:              0            0          0                   0
#>  5:              0            0          0                   0
#>  6:              0            0          0                   0
#>  7:              0            0          0                   0
#>  8:              0            0          0                   0
#>  9:              0            0          0                   0
#> 10:              0            0          0                   0
#> 11:              0            0          0                   0
#> 12:              0            0          0                   0
#> 13:              0            0          0                   0
#> 14:              0            0          0                   0
#> 15:              0            0          0                   0
#>     Fuel Oil No 2 [kWh] Propane [kWh] Other Fuel 1 [kWh] Other Fuel 2 [kWh]
#>                   <num>         <num>              <num>              <num>
#>  1:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  2:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  3:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  4:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  5:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  6:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  7:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  8:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>  9:                   0             0                  0                  0
#> 10:                   0             0                  0                  0
#> 11:                   0             0                  0                  0
#> 12:                   0             0                  0                  0
#> 13:                   0             0                  0                  0
#> 14:                   0             0                  0                  0
#> 15:                   0             0                  0                  0
#>     District Cooling [kWh] District Heating [kWh] Water [m3]
#>                      <num>                  <num>      <num>
#>  1:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  2:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  3:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  4:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  5:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  6:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  7:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  8:                      0                      0       0.00
#>  9:                      0                      0       0.00
#> 10:                      0                      0       0.00
#> 11:                      0                      0       0.00
#> 12:                      0                      0     174.59
#> 13:                      0                      0       0.00
#> 14:                      0                      0       0.00
#> 15:                      0                      0     174.59

# read zone metadata from Standard Input and Output
print(zones <- job$read_table("Zones"))
#>     zone_index          zone_name rel_north origin_x origin_y origin_z
#>          <int>             <char>     <num>    <num>    <num>    <num>
#>  1:          1        CORE_BOTTOM         0        0        0        0
#>  2:          2           CORE_MID         0        0        0        0
#>  3:          3           CORE_TOP         0        0        0        0
#>  4:          4  FIRSTFLOOR_PLENUM         0        0        0        0
#>  5:          5    MIDFLOOR_PLENUM         0        0        0        0
#>  6:          6 PERIMETER_BOT_ZN_1         0        0        0        0
#>  7:          7 PERIMETER_BOT_ZN_2         0        0        0        0
#>  8:          8 PERIMETER_BOT_ZN_3         0        0        0        0
#>  9:          9 PERIMETER_BOT_ZN_4         0        0        0        0
#> 10:         10 PERIMETER_MID_ZN_1         0        0        0        0
#> 11:         11 PERIMETER_MID_ZN_2         0        0        0        0
#> 12:         12 PERIMETER_MID_ZN_3         0        0        0        0
#> 13:         13 PERIMETER_MID_ZN_4         0        0        0        0
#> 14:         14 PERIMETER_TOP_ZN_1         0        0        0        0
#> 15:         15 PERIMETER_TOP_ZN_2         0        0        0        0
#> 16:         16 PERIMETER_TOP_ZN_3         0        0        0        0
#> 17:         17 PERIMETER_TOP_ZN_4         0        0        0        0
#> 18:         18    TOPFLOOR_PLENUM         0        0        0        0
#>     centroid_x centroid_y centroid_z of_type multiplier list_multiplier
#>          <num>      <num>      <num>   <int>      <num>           <num>
#>  1:  24.955350  16.636900     1.3716       1          1               1
#>  2:  24.955350  16.636900     5.3340       1          1               1
#>  3:  24.955350  16.636900     9.2964       1          1               1
#>  4:  24.955500  16.636900     3.3528       1          1               1
#>  5:  24.955500  16.636900     7.3152       1          1               1
#>  6:  24.955448   2.158891     1.3716       1          1               1
#>  7:  47.820225  16.636900     1.3716       1          1               1
#>  8:  24.955448  31.114909     1.3716       1          1               1
#>  9:   2.090634  16.636900     1.3716       1          1               1
#> 10:  24.955448   2.158891     5.3340       1          1               1
#> 11:  47.820225  16.636900     5.3340       1          1               1
#> 12:  24.955448  31.114909     5.3340       1          1               1
#> 13:   2.090634  16.636900     5.3340       1          1               1
#> 14:  24.955448   2.158891     9.2964       1          1               1
#> 15:  47.820225  16.636900     9.2964       1          1               1
#> 16:  24.955448  31.114909     9.2964       1          1               1
#> 17:   2.090634  16.636900     9.2964       1          1               1
#> 18:  24.955500  16.636900    11.2776       1          1               1
#>     minimum_x maximum_x minimum_y maximum_y minimum_z maximum_z ceiling_height
#>         <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>     <num>          <num>
#>  1:    4.5732   45.3375    4.5732   28.7006    0.0000    2.7432         2.7432
#>  2:    4.5732   45.3375    4.5732   28.7006    3.9624    6.7056         2.7432
#>  3:    4.5732   45.3375    4.5732   28.7006    7.9248   10.6680         2.7432
#>  4:    0.0000   49.9110    0.0000   33.2738    2.7432    3.9624         1.2192
#>  5:    0.0000   49.9110    0.0000   33.2738    6.7056    7.9248         1.2192
#>  6:    0.0000   49.9110    0.0000    4.5732    0.0000    2.7432         2.7432
#>  7:   45.3375   49.9110    0.0000   33.2738    0.0000    2.7432         2.7432
#>  8:    0.0000   49.9110   28.7006   33.2738    0.0000    2.7432         2.7432
#>  9:    0.0000    4.5732    0.0000   33.2738    0.0000    2.7432         2.7432
#> 10:    0.0000   49.9110    0.0000    4.5732    3.9624    6.7056         2.7432
#> 11:   45.3375   49.9110    0.0000   33.2738    3.9624    6.7056         2.7432
#> 12:    0.0000   49.9110   28.7006   33.2738    3.9624    6.7056         2.7432
#> 13:    0.0000    4.5732    0.0000   33.2738    3.9624    6.7056         2.7432
#> 14:    0.0000   49.9110    0.0000    4.5732    7.9248   10.6680         2.7432
#> 15:   45.3375   49.9110    0.0000   33.2738    7.9248   10.6680         2.7432
#> 16:    0.0000   49.9110   28.7006   33.2738    7.9248   10.6680         2.7432
#> 17:    0.0000    4.5732    0.0000   33.2738    7.9248   10.6680         2.7432
#> 18:    0.0000   49.9110    0.0000   33.2738   10.6680   11.8872         1.2192
#>        volume inside_convection_algo outside_convection_algo floor_area
#>         <num>                  <int>                   <int>      <num>
#>  1: 2698.0375                      2                       7   983.5366
#>  2: 2698.0375                      2                       7   983.5366
#>  3: 2698.0375                      2                       7   983.5366
#>  4: 2024.7603                      2                       7  1660.7286
#>  5: 2024.7603                      2                       7  1660.7286
#>  6:  568.7700                      2                       7   207.3381
#>  7:  360.0785                      2                       7   131.2622
#>  8:  568.7700                      2                       7   207.3381
#>  9:  360.0548                      2                       7   131.2536
#> 10:  568.7700                      2                       7   207.3381
#> 11:  360.0785                      2                       7   131.2622
#> 12:  568.7700                      2                       7   207.3381
#> 13:  360.0548                      2                       7   131.2536
#> 14:  568.7700                      2                       7   207.3381
#> 15:  360.0785                      2                       7   131.2622
#> 16:  568.7700                      2                       7   207.3381
#> 17:  360.0548                      2                       7   131.2536
#> 18: 2024.7603                      2                       7  1660.7286
#>     ext_gross_wall_area ext_net_wall_area ext_window_area is_part_of_total_area
#>                   <num>             <num>           <num>                 <int>
#>  1:             0.00000           0.00000         0.00000                     1
#>  2:             0.00000           0.00000         0.00000                     1
#>  3:             0.00000           0.00000         0.00000                     1
#>  4:           202.83782         202.83782         0.00000                     0
#>  5:           202.83782         202.83782         0.00000                     0
#>  6:           136.91586          71.63358        65.28228                     1
#>  7:            91.27669          47.75469        43.52200                     1
#>  8:           136.91586          71.63358        65.28228                     1
#>  9:            91.27669          47.75469        43.52200                     1
#> 10:           136.91586          71.63358        65.28228                     1
#> 11:            91.27669          47.75469        43.52200                     1
#> 12:           136.91586          71.63358        65.28228                     1
#> 13:            91.27669          47.75469        43.52200                     1
#> 14:           136.91586          71.63358        65.28228                     1
#> 15:            91.27669          47.75469        43.52200                     1
#> 16:           136.91586          71.63358        65.28228                     1
#> 17:            91.27669          47.75469        43.52200                     1
#> 18:           202.83782         202.83782         0.00000                     0

# read hourly air-conditioning system output with all additional metadata for
# the annual simulation from Variable Output
print(aircon_out <- job$report_data(
    name = sprintf("air system total %s energy", c("heating", "cooling")),
    environment_name = "annual",
    all = TRUE
#>                case            datetime month   day  hour minute   dst interval
#>              <char>              <POSc> <int> <int> <int>  <int> <int>    <int>
#>     1: MediumOffice 2017-01-01 01:00:00     1     1     1      0     0       60
#>     2: MediumOffice 2017-01-01 02:00:00     1     1     2      0     0       60
#>     3: MediumOffice 2017-01-01 03:00:00     1     1     3      0     0       60
#>     4: MediumOffice 2017-01-01 04:00:00     1     1     4      0     0       60
#>     5: MediumOffice 2017-01-01 05:00:00     1     1     5      0     0       60
#>    ---                                                                         
#> 52556: MediumOffice 2017-12-31 20:00:00    12    31    20      0     0       60
#> 52557: MediumOffice 2017-12-31 21:00:00    12    31    21      0     0       60
#> 52558: MediumOffice 2017-12-31 22:00:00    12    31    22      0     0       60
#> 52559: MediumOffice 2017-12-31 23:00:00    12    31    23      0     0       60
#> 52560: MediumOffice 2018-01-01 00:00:00    12    31    24      0     0       60
#>        simulation_days day_type environment_name environment_period_index
#>                  <int>   <char>           <char>                    <int>
#>     1:               1  Holiday           ANNUAL                        3
#>     2:               1  Holiday           ANNUAL                        3
#>     3:               1  Holiday           ANNUAL                        3
#>     4:               1  Holiday           ANNUAL                        3
#>     5:               1  Holiday           ANNUAL                        3
#>    ---                                                                   
#> 52556:             365   Sunday           ANNUAL                        3
#> 52557:             365   Sunday           ANNUAL                        3
#> 52558:             365   Sunday           ANNUAL                        3
#> 52559:             365   Sunday           ANNUAL                        3
#> 52560:             365   Sunday           ANNUAL                        3
#>        is_meter   type index_group timestep_type key_value
#>           <int> <char>      <char>        <char>    <char>
#>     1:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_1
#>     2:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_1
#>     3:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_1
#>     4:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_1
#>     5:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_1
#>    ---                                                    
#> 52556:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_3
#> 52557:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_3
#> 52558:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_3
#> 52559:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_3
#> 52560:        0    Sum        HVAC   HVAC System     VAV_3
#>                                   name reporting_frequency schedule_name  units
#>                                 <char>              <char>        <char> <char>
#>     1: Air System Total Heating Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#>     2: Air System Total Heating Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#>     3: Air System Total Heating Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#>     4: Air System Total Heating Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#>     5: Air System Total Heating Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#>    ---                                                                         
#> 52556: Air System Total Cooling Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#> 52557: Air System Total Cooling Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#> 52558: Air System Total Cooling Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#> 52559: Air System Total Cooling Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#> 52560: Air System Total Cooling Energy              Hourly          <NA>      J
#>           value
#>           <num>
#>     1: 34083017
#>     2: 36303710
#>     3: 48153527
#>     4: 37244335
#>     5: 49652701
#>    ---         
#> 52556:        0
#> 52557:        0
#> 52558:        0
#> 52559:        0
#> 52560:        0

Data exploration using tidyverse

Code below demonstrate the benefits of the tidy format in selecting columns using select(), subsetting rows using filter(), sorting rows using arrange(), adding new variables using mutate(), summarizing data using a combination of group_by() and summarize(), joining tables using left_join(), and data visualization using ggplot().

Get EUI breakdown


# calculate Energy Use Intensity (EUI) for electricity
eui <- end_use %>%
    # only select columns of interest
    select(category = row_name, electricity = `Electricity [kWh]`) %>%
    # get rid of category with empty energy consumption
    filter(electricity > 0.0) %>%
    # order by value
    arrange(-electricity) %>%
    # calculate EUI
    mutate(eui = round(electricity / area$'Area [m2]'[1], digits = 2)) %>%
    # calculate proportion of each category
    mutate(proportion = round(eui / eui[1] * 100, digits = 2)) %>%
    # remove electricity column

# plot a pie chart to show EUI breakdown
eui %>%
    filter(category != "Total End Uses") %>%
    mutate(category = as.factor(sprintf("%s [%.2f%%]", category, proportion, "%"))) %>%
    ggplot(aes("", proportion, fill = category)) +
    geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 1, color = "black", size = 0.2) +
    coord_polar("y", start = 0)
#> Warning: There was 1 warning in `mutate()`.
#>  In argument: `category = as.factor(sprintf("%s [%.2f%%]", category,
#>   proportion, "%"))`.
#> Caused by warning in `sprintf()`:
#> ! one argument not used by format '%s [%.2f%%]'
#> Warning: Using `size` aesthetic for lines was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#>  Please use `linewidth` instead.
#> This warning is displayed once every 8 hours.
#> Call `lifecycle::last_lifecycle_warnings()` to see where this warning was
#> generated.

Get heating and cooling demand profile

# calculate air-conditioned floor area per storey
storey <- zones %>%
    # exclude plenum zones
    filter(is_part_of_total_area == 1) %>%
    # group by centroid height
    group_by(centroid_height = round(centroid_z, digits = 4)) %>%
    # calculate total floor area
    summarise(floor_area = sum(floor_area)) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    # add storey index
    arrange(centroid_height) %>%
    mutate(storey = seq_len(n()), air_system = paste("VAV", storey, sep = "_")) %>%
    select(air_system, floor_area)

# get monthly heating and cooling demands per served area
aircon_out_mon <- aircon_out %>%
    # only consider weekdays
    filter(!day_type %in% c("Holiday", "Saturday", "Sunday")) %>%
    # add an identifier column to indicate cooling and heating condition
    mutate(type = case_when(
        grepl("Heating", name) ~ "Heating",
        grepl("Cooling", name) ~ "Cooling"
    )) %>%
    # add floor area served by each air-conditioning system
    left_join(storey, c("key_value" = "air_system")) %>%
    # calculate the monthly averaged heating and cooling demands in MJ/m2
    group_by(month, type, air_system = key_value) %>%
    summarise(system_output = sum(value) / 1e6 / floor_area[1]) %>%
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'month', 'type'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.

# plot a column chart to show the heating and cooling demand profile
aircon_out_mon %>%
    mutate(month = as.factor(month)) %>%
    mutate(system_output = case_when(
        type == "Heating" ~ -system_output,
        type == "Cooling" ~ system_output
    )) %>%
    ggplot() +
    geom_col(aes(month, system_output, group = type, fill = type), position = "dodge") +
    facet_wrap(vars(air_system), ncol = 1) +
    labs(x = "", y = "Heating and cooling demands / MJ m-2")


In this vignette, we have went through core methods in EplusJob class to run simulations and extract results in tidy format.

In next vignette “Parametric simulations”, we will introduce the ParametricJob class to run parametric simulations.