This function is the equivalent of ggplot2::ggplot() in ggplot2. It takes care of setting up the plot object along with creating the layout for the plot based on the graph and the specification passed in. Alternatively a layout can be prepared in advance using create_layout and passed as the data argument. See Details for a description of all available layouts.

  data = NULL,
  mapping = aes(),
  tdb_lim = c(0, 50),
  hum_lim = c(0, 50),
  altitude = 0L,
  mask_style = waiver(),
  sat_style = waiver(),
  units = "SI",
  mollier = FALSE



Default dataset to use for plot. If not already a data.frame, will be converted to one by ggplot2::fortify(). If not specified, must be supplied in each layer added to the plot.


Default list of aesthetic mappings to use for plot. If not specified, must be supplied in each layer added to the plot.


A numeric vector of length-2 indicating the dry-bulb temperature limits. Should be in range [-50, 100] degree_C [SI] or [-58, 212] degree_F [IP]. If waiver(), default values will be [0, 50] degree_C [SI] or [30, 120] degree_F [IP]. Default: waiver().


A numeric vector of length-2 indicating the humidity ratio limits. Should be in range [0, 60] g_H20 kg_Air-1 [SI] or [0, 350] gr_H20 lb_Air-1 [IP]. If waiver(), default values will be [0, 30] g_H20 kg_Air-1 [SI] or [0, 210] gr_H20 lb_Air-1 [IP]. Default: waiver().


A single number of altitude in m [SI] or ft [IP].


A list containg settings to format mask area. Will be directly passed to ggplot2::geom_polygon(). If waiver(), defaults below will be used:

  • fill: white

  • linetype: 1

  • size: 0.5


A list containg settings to format saturation line. Will be directly passed to ggplot2::geom_line(). If waiver(), defaults below will be used:

  • color: #DA251D

  • linetype: 1

  • size: 1

Learn more about setting these aesthetics in vignette("ggplot2-specs").


A string indicating the system of units chosen. Should be either "SI" or "IP".


If TRUE, a Mollier chart will be created instead of a psychrometric chart. Default: FALSE.


An object of class gg onto which layers, scales, etc. can be added.

